Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Artist Bio

Ahh...the beauty of a blank page, patiently waiting to be written upon. (Lets hope it needn't be too patient). Anywho, I am constantly driven by the need to discover, to explore. My favorite way to spend a sunny summer Sunday afternoon is to get lost. Maybe not lost, but I at least try to get to the point where I don't know where I am. My greatest ambition is to capture the feeling of walking through the woods, a secluded estuary or beach, or even an alien campus on film. I have an affinity for surf films (not videos) that elicit the ethereal nature of the search for waves. I feel that we are entering a period for film in which we will be focusing more on the unspoken moments of beauty rather than pithy dialogue. But now I must admit that I too have my guilty pleasures, (from Airplane and Surf Ninjas to LA Confidential and Children of Men) and I will never renounce them, only revisit. More than anything I love the Chase Film. The basest and most primal of emotions well up when one feels for the protagonist running to survive, whether literally, as in Apocalypto, or symbolically, as in The Endless Summer (feel free to argue).

With Documentary I hope to be able to hone my ability to find the story in everyday life. I want to become more adept at seeing naturally and without filters. I want my eyes to become soft and porous, always ready to soak up the canvas before me. One of my strong points has always been my ability to talk (in fact it gets me in as much trouble as not) and hopefully I will temper this talent to fit the Documentary world. I'll end with my favorite quote, the one that most epitomizes me, "It's a magical world...let's go exploring!" - Bill Waterson

1 comment:

silvashan said...

You've been holding out on us Matt. What wonderful entries. And I love your quote. I hope it fits us all. :-)